

Fun Cute Pictures of Ava

   We just love taking pictures of Ava and catching those moment that make you laugh and make your heart melt.  She has such a spunky and fun personality.  The picture with the chocolate face was when she found some stashed chocolate in the kitchen and tried to eat it all real fast before we tried to stop her. (Hence the reason it is all over her hands and face)  The pic in the middle was on a Sunday and she kept refusing to take a nap and just wanted bread and Tyson gave it to her and 2 minutes later she was asleep with her leg up on the wall holding the bread.  She loves mom and dad reading books to her and she loves trying to read it back to us.  Ava likes to work on daddy's table using her baby's and tells them "sshhh it's ok I help you."  The other pictures are of her just being fun and cute.  What a blessing it is to have her in our life and the wonderful spirit she brings to our home.  We always have a good laugh each day with her!!!  We are so lucky to be her Mom and Dad.

1 comment:

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

She is the cutest girl! Love and miss her!